Paternity Test

Certainty through DNA

From studies conducted within the European Union the rate of “paternal discrepancy”, i.e., the proportion of cases in which the biological father of a child differs from the alleged father, ranges between 10% and 20%, reaching 40% in some specific social enviroinments.

Practically, a father out of 5 raises, probably without knowing it, a child he did not have.

The total reliability of the test

The DNA of each individual represents a personal “biological signature”. There are no two identical DNAs, with the exception of those of identical twins. A child inherits 50% of its DNA from the father and the other 50% from the mother. To be considered the “biological” father of a child the alleged father must have half of his/her DNA in common.

In order to carry out a paternity test Gentras follows the most up-to-date procedures available in the field of DNA analysis. Indeed, Gentras tests identify 16 different regions in the DNA which are highly variable from person to person. Comparing these 16 regions of the presumed father, and eventually also those of the mother, with those of the son or daughter, it is possible to successfully exclude or confirm biological paternity with practically zero margin of error, the reliability of the test being equal to 99,999999%.

The Gentras procedure for paternity testing, the most advanced worldwide, analyzes more genetic markers than those routinely used by the technicians of the American FBI, Moreover, all our methods follow the standard protocols and recommendations of international bodies, in particular those issued by the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG).